News Archives: Requested News Item
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- New Website!
(posted: 11/19/2024)We are excited to share the new site with you...
- New 5 Behaviors Engagement
(posted: 08/01/2024)KLR partners with executive team
- Where You'll Find Kristi
(posted: 02/01/2024)Presenting at FWSF's International Women's Day Event
News Archives
Here is where you will find all the latest news that is "fit to print" - along with all our archived news items.
Where You'll Find Kristi
(posted: November 12th, 2018)
Where Kristi Will be Speaking Next:
February 28th, 2019:
Association for Corporate Growth (ACG)
Powerful Presentations: How to prepare, practice, and present so that your audience gets the message, every time. Whether you are speaking to hundreds, leading a meeting, or pitching a project to your boss, these are the skills you need to succeed.
Check back: We'll update with more info when it's available.
April 16, 2019:
California Assessors Association, Spring Convention
We're still finalizing the details on this event, so please check back later.
September 2019:
Professional Business Women of California (PBWC)
Webinar - The Art of Engaged Feedback: Do you avoid giving feedback because you don’t want to be seen as critical or harsh? Or you are unsure how to make it useful and constructive? Or because it results in difficult conversations? When receiving feedback, do you find yourself resisting even constructive criticism? Are you overly sensitive to negative feedback? Do you find that you can't absorb the remarks, or don't know how to make the changes requested?
Feedback is never easy, whether you are on the giving or receiving end! In this engaging, interactive talk Kristi will present tips and strategies to help you build your skills in delivering feedback constructively and in accepting criticism as an opportunity to grow and improve.
Details and registration info is TBA. We'll update when we know!